
The Prostand.md  distributes household chemicals, cosmetics, hygiene products, stationery for school and office use, disposable tableware and other groups of products in Moldovan.
The range of goods is about 7,500 items.
    The group collaborates with dealers networks, which include economic agents from all over Moldova. Most of them have been with us over 21 years since the founding of the company.
The Prostand.md develops projects on realization of high-quality goods of  FMCG through the following sales channels:

1. Wholesale sales through its partner dealers throughout the country. 

2. Distribution channels of trade networks in Moldova - goods imported by our group of companies are sold through major retail chains of Moldova:  Metro Cash & Carry, Nr 1, Fourshette, Linella, Green Hils, Velmart, Fidesco, Zolușca, Alina Cosmetics and many others, averaging more than 350 stores and supermarkets.

3. Sales through specialized retail chains.
4. Corporate sales including HoReCa - 2000 economic agents acquire goods for internal use from PROSTAND.MD. Our managers will be happy to sign a contract for corporate services with your company...
5. Retail and online sales – the company's store is always ready to serve you at: Chisinau, 199/2 Doina str. The entire range of products and services can be found on our website, where you can make a purchase without leaving your home. We will deliver the order on time, right at the door of the house, apartment or office.

About the contract concluding you can contact our managers. You are always welcome!

Our mission - an individual approach to each client.
Every dealer, shop, office or an individual will find a unique cost and acceptable conditions of cooperation with our group of companies PROSTAND.


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